Rediscover the
path you are meant
to travel.

Reclaim your dreams.

Remember your dreams? The exotic places you planned to visit? The adventures that called? If you’re living each day to its fullest, mindful of every blessing, then this book is not for you. However, if you’re sleepwalking through life, stuck in a rut, and lost in the dark, then it’s time to GO ALL IN.

In this deeply personal memoir, Colin Yurcisin shares his story and shows you how it could be your story too. Let his journey from days filled with drugs and debt to a life of extreme prosperity and purpose inspire you to dream big again. 

GO ALL IN is about so much more than working from nine to five building wealth for someone else. Learn how to master the game. Rekindle the flame of excitement. Rediscover the path you are meant to travel. Reclaim your dreams of making a difference and leaving your mark. You are not helpless. You are not hopeless. You are ready to level up!

  • “This book will show you how possible it is to change your life in such a short period of time.”

    —Gary Brecka, Co-Founder with Grant Cardone in 10X Health System

  • “Colin has consistently wowed me since my wife, Ashley, first told me to follow him on social media. He’s ALL in—on life, health, and business. I’m excited to have more of his tips and systems for my life now too. He’s thirty years younger but in many ways, thirty years wiser.”

    —Cameron Herold, author of the bestselling book Vivid Vision

  • “Going all in is definitely something I can relate to. If you’re ready to go to the next level, this book is a must-read.”

    —Ryan Tseko, Executive Vice President of Cardone Capital


Colin Yurcisin is founder and CEO of Leveraged Lifestyle (formerly Credit Class), Leveraged Investments, and Leveraged Mining. When he realized he owed more than he made in a year, he became a self-taught credit expert. After eliminating his own debt and raising his credit score, he began teaching others how to do the same. A serial entrepreneur and investor, he teaches clients systemic, sustainable ways to leverage credit, scale their business, invest in bitcoin, travel the world in style, and generate both active and passive streams of income while living mindful, purposeful, positive lives.